Spanish Bar Favorites
10:00 AM10:00

Spanish Bar Favorites

In all of Spain, bars are gathering spots where food, drink, and socializing are an inseparable triad. Though Spaniards frequent their local favorites year-round, warm weather draws everyone outside into streets and bars overflowing with conviviality during aperitivo/vermut hours...or rather, whenever possible! Join Camila to prepare some celebrated Spanish bar food recipes.

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Olive Oil and Chocolate
10:00 AM10:00

Olive Oil and Chocolate

In this class, we’ll play with two of Camila’s absolute favorite ingredients: olive oil and chocolate. This match made in heaven is incredibly versatile - experimenting with the intensity of chocolate and different varieties of olive oil can create unique flavor combinations. Together we’ll make four dessert recipes and prove that olive oil and chocolate are meant to be! 

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Olive Oil Deep Dive
10:00 AM10:00

Olive Oil Deep Dive

Just in time for the new oils of the season! Discover what a truly good extra virgin olive oil should taste like! Through a guided tasting just like the professional tasters do it, Camila will provide the vocabulary to describe the sensory aspects of her favorite ingredient: a truly good EVOO.

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Shojin Ryori: Japanese Temple Cuisine
10:00 AM10:00

Shojin Ryori: Japanese Temple Cuisine

The essence of Japanese temple cuisine or shojin ryori is about making the most flavor out of the least ingredients. Subtle yet complex in its simplicity, monks in Japanese temples spend plenty of time mindfully preparing these recipes. Vegan and without overpowering flavors such as garlic or onion, a meal in a Japanese temple usually consists of soup, a side, and rice.

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Spring Salad Bowls
10:00 AM10:00

Spring Salad Bowls

It’s spring, and farmers market tables piled high with sprightly new-crop vegetables have us craving SALADS, SALADS, AND MORE SALADS! And we don’t mean your garden variety side salads—we’re talking about a meal in a bowl. If you could use some inspiration, this class is for you.

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The Spanish Way with Eggs
10:00 AM10:00

The Spanish Way with Eggs

April is peak egg season in Spain. The days are warmer and longer, and the hens are at their best, fattening up on the plentiful grasses and grubs. According to Camila Loew, THE EGG is "the best ingredient there is". Join her for this online class to cook some of Spain’s most beloved egg dishes.

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Gluten Free Sourdough Bread (ONLINE)
to Jan 15

Gluten Free Sourdough Bread (ONLINE)

Gluten free sourdough bread is within the reach of every home baker. Frustrated by the highly refined ingredients in many commercially available gluten free (GF) breads, Chef Camila embarked on a quest to bake her own. She has practiced and tweaked the process to her satisfaction and is excited to share her knowledge as you make bread together in this interactive online class.

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